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Private Driver Food & Wine Tours

Private Driver Food & Wine Tours are undoubtedly a great way to experience Italy.  Vineyards near Milan, Italy offer a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.  Wine enthusiasts and tourists both can appreciate the charming wine-producing regions near Milan.

My Private Driver Milano will take you on a tour to experience some of Italy’s best wines and enjoy regional cuisine.  At the same, you can enjoy the picturesque landscapes in the Lombardy and Piedmont regions.


The Lombardy region is known for its crisp white wines, including the world-renowned Franciacorta sparkling wine. Franciacorta, located just an hour’s drive from Milan, offers guided tours of its wineries and underground cellars. A trip to this region permits you to witness the traditional method of producing sparkling wines.


Valtellina is famous for its terraced vineyards that cling to steep Alpine slopes. Here, Nebbiolo grapes, known locally as Chiavennasca, are used to produce Valtellina Superiore and Sforzato wines. Visitors can explore the dramatic landscape of terraces, charming villages like Sondrio, and enjoy wine tastings at family-run wineries.

Oltrepò Pavese

Located to the south of Milan, Oltrepò Pavese is one of Italy’s largest wine-producing areas. It’s renowned for its Pinot Noir (Pinot Nero) and sparkling wine production. The rolling hills covered in vineyards, medieval castles, and picturesque villages make Oltrepò Pavese a perfect destination for wine tourism.


Just a short drive from Milan across the Swiss border, the Ticino region offers a unique blend of Italian and Swiss influences in its winemaking traditions. Here, you can sample Merlot-based red wines and visit vineyards nestled along the shores of Lake Lugano.


Located northeast of Milan, the Bergamo province is known for its scenic vineyards producing quality wines such as Valcalepio and Moscato di Scanzo. The area’s hilly terrain provides an ideal microclimate for grape cultivation, resulting in distinctive flavors.


Piedmont Region

The Piedmont region, just a stone’s throw away from Milan, offers a convenient escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. Its close proximity makes it an ideal destination for both day trips and longer getaways.  You can easily reach Piedmont by car in around 1.5 to 2 hours from Milan to cities like Turin, Alba, or Asti, all of which serve as perfect launchpads for exploring the picturesque Piedmont vineyards.  Visiting Piedmont offers the opportunity to explore picturesque vineyards, historic cellars, and charming villages while indulging in the delectable wines and cuisine of the region. Whether you’re sipping a robust Barolo or savoring a glass of Moscato d’Asti, Piedmont’s wines offer a taste of Italy’s rich winemaking heritage and a journey through its captivating landscapes.

Plan your escape into the wine country outside of Milan and taste the richness of the local dishes. A private driver wine tour offers the best way to see the beauty and experience the culture of Northern Italy in comfort and style.

Tags:  #Privatedriver  #toursMilanItaly  Professional Drivers in luxury vans and sedans offering  customised VIP service.  Transfer and Hourly Rates.  Private Driver car service for hire.

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